Seroflo Inhaler helps widen the airways and helps ease breathing. It helps treat symptoms of asthma like shortness of breath and wheezing and COPD(chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder) where the airflow to the lungs gets blocked.

A step-by-step guide to using Seroflo Inhaler

  • Do not use this inhaler unless your medical expert teaches you the correct way of using it.
  • This inhaler comes in three strengths. Your medical expert will recommend the correct strength of this inhaler.
  • Use this inhaler in the exactly same way as suggested by your medical expert.
  • Do not use this inhaler in higher amounts than recommended by the healthcare provider.
  • Use two inhalations of this inhaler twice a day. Using it at a fixed time daily will help.
  • Before using this inhaler for 1st time, prime it twice to obtain the correct amount of medicine while using it. Detach the cap of your mouthpiece. Now shake it for 5 seconds properly and this will help prime the inhaler. Now, spray the inhaler into the air away from the face. Now repeat this process.
  • If the inhaler is not in use for more than four weeks or if dropped accidentally, you need to prime the inhaler before using it.
  • Before using the inhaler every time, shake it well for 5 seconds. Pull off the cap of the mouthpiece and keep the mouthpiece down while holding the inhaler.
  1. Breathe out via mouth and try to push maximum air out of the lungs. Now, place the mouthpiece in your mouth between your lips and hold it.
  2. Push the metal canister’s top portion downwards while breathing deep and slowly via your mouth.
  3. Hold your breath for 10 seconds or longer as comfortable. Now, exhale slowly for long as possible.

Now, repeat steps 1 to 3 again to get your 2nd inhalation.

Side effects

  • Nausea
  • Oral fungal infection
  • Respiratory tract infection
  • Vomiting
  • Sore throat
  • Joint & muscle pain
  • Headache
  • Voice hoarseness
  • Cough
  • Faster heart rate

Tips to consider after using the Seroflo Inhaler

  • Rinse your mouth properly using clean water after you breathe in the medicine.
  • Spit the water and do not swallow it.
  • Place the cap again out of the mouthpiece after each use. Try to fix the cap properly on the mouthpiece.
  • Clean the inhaler once a week after taking the evening dose. You can clean it using a dry cotton ball. Twist a dry cotton ball around the tiny round opening (the area from where the medicine gets sprayed out of the container)
  • When you see the dose reading as – 20, discuss with your medical expert for a different Seroflo inhaler prescription.
  • When you see the counter reading as 000, you need to discard the inhaler.
  • Avoid using the inhaler after its expiry date. You can see the expiry date on the packaging of the inhaler.
  • Skip the dose of the inhaler if you missed any of its doses. Take the next dose as in schedule. Avoid taking two doses at once.
  • If you use this inhaler in a higher dose, connect with your medical expert or visit a nearby hospital immediately if you experience any unusual symptoms like shakiness, severe breathlessness, or unusual heart rate.
  • Do not take other medications that contain LABA. Talk to your pharmacist or medical expert if you are using other LABA medicines.
  • You may feel better after using this inhaler before completing the treatment course, but do not stop using it unless your physician tells you to.
  • This inhaler will not help relieve breathing problems that occur abruptly. For this, you need to carry a rescue inhaler to fight sudden symptoms. If you don’t have it, call your physician to prescribe one for you.
  • Rinsing your mouth without swallowing it after using this inhaler every time will help reduce the chances of developing a yeast infection in the throat and mouth.
  • Speak to your medical professional or seek medical help instantly in the following cases
  • Breathing issues get severe
  • Need rescue inhaler more frequently than normal.
  • A rescue inhaler doesn’t work in relieving the symptoms.
  • You require more than 4 or four inhalations of rescue inhaler in 24 hours for two or more days consecutively.
  • You are using 1 full canister of the rescue inhaler for eight weeks.
  • The peak flow reading reduces. Your medical expert will let you know about the correct numbers for you.
  • You have asthma symptoms that do not get better after using the Seroflo inhaler continuously for a week. 


What if I use this inhaler in higher quantities than prescribed? Will that give better results?

You should not use this inhaler in higher doses than prescribed by the physician. Using this inhaler in higher doses will not improve the symptoms instead they can lead to severe side effects or poisoning.

If any individual overdoses on this inhaler, he/she should go to the nearest hospital immediately. The individual should discuss with his/her healthcare provider about its side effects and uses. Also, he/she should tell the physician about all the medications before they start using this inhaler to prevent possible interactions.

How long do I need this inhaler to see improvement in my symptoms?

This medicine should be used until the symptoms vanish completely. The duration will be suggested by the doctor and do not use this inhaler for a longer duration than recommended by the physician. It can lead to serious issues. So connect with the doctor to understand its proper use and exact duration.

How often do I need to use this inhaler?

The severity of your condition will decide the duration for which you need to use this medicine. Hence, the frequency differs with each person. So, follow the guidance of the doctor to get the maximum benefits of this inhaler. If you are not sure about the duration, you can check with your medical expert.

Can I use this inhaler empty stomach, before meals, or after meals?

This inhaler is used for oral use and is taken via mouth. So, the action of the salt present in this medication doesn’t depend on whether you take it with meals or before meals. Inform your doctor before using this inhaler. Try to use this inhaler at a set time every day.

What are the storage and disposal directions for this inhaler?

This inhaler contains salts which should be stored at normal room temperature. Do not store it below/above room temperature as it can reduce its effects.

Protect the inhaler from light & moisture. Try to keep this inhaler away from your kids. You should dispose of unused medicine or expired ones to avoid adverse effects.

Will Seroflo Inhaler elevate my heart rate?

Some people using this inhaler may witness elevated heart rates. If you experience the same, get in touch with your healthcare expert urgently.

Can diabetic patients use this inhaler?

This inhaler can elevate blood sugar levels. Hence, blood sugar levels need to be checked regularly. Speak to your physician for other details.

Before you use this inhaler, make sure you share the details of your health problems and the medications you are using currently with your healthcare expert.